Minikube (mini-langstream)

To create a LangStream cluster locally, it's recommended to use minikube - setting 4 CPUs is highly recommended. mini-langstream comes in help for installing and managing your local cluster.

Install mini-langstream

mini-langstream requires the following commands to be already installed:

  • Docker

  • Minikube

  • Helm

  • Kubectl

  • LangStream CLI


brew install LangStream/langstream/mini-langstream


curl -Ls "" | bash

Start the cluster

mini-langstream will do all the setup for you, in particular:

  • start minikube in a dedicated context

  • deploy LangStream components using helm

  • run a stateful Kafka broker as docker container

  • run a stateful s3-compatible storage (MinIO) as docker container

  • forward the control plane and API Gateways ports locally

  • create a dedicated LangStream CLI profile to interact with the cluster

  • wrap all the common k8s tools to inspect the cluster (mini-langstream kubectl, mini-langstream helm, mini-langstream k9s)

  1. Start or ensure the cluster is running:

mini-langstream start
  1. Try to use the CLI:

mini-langstream cli apps list
  1. Deploy an application:

export OPENAI_API_KEY=<your-openai-api-key>
mini-langstream cli apps deploy my-app -app -s

To delete all the storage and stop the cluster:

mini-langstream delete

Your first application

Here are a few ways to get started building LangStream applications:

Last updated