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A place to hold secrets. Each label:value in this file is used as a reference in configuration and pipeline manifests. Their values carry on to a step’s environment where it is applied. Secret values can be modified directly in secrets.yaml, or you can pass secrets as environment variables.


An example secrets.yaml manifest contains the credentials necessary to connect to Astra and OpenAI.

The :- characters designate a default value. For example, provider: "${OPEN_AI_PROVIDER:-openai}" designates openai as the default.

For finding these credentials, see Credentials.

  - id: astra
      clientId: ${ASTRA_CLIENT_ID:-}
      secret: ${ASTRA_SECRET:-}
      token: ${ASTRA_TOKEN:-}
      database: ${ASTRA_DATABASE:-}
      # uncomment this and link to a file containing the secure connect bundle
      # secureBundle: "<>"
      secureBundle: ${ASTRA_SECURE_BUNDLE:-}
      environment: ${ASTRA_ENVIRONMENT:-PROD}
  - id: open-ai
      access-key: "${OPEN_AI_ACCESS_KEY:-}"
      url: "${OPEN_AI_URL:-}"
      provider: "${OPEN_AI_PROVIDER:-openai}"
      embeddings-model: "${OPEN_AI_EMBEDDINGS_MODEL:-text-embedding-ada-002}"
      chat-completions-model: "${OPEN_AI_CHAT_COMPLETIONS_MODEL:-gpt-3.5-turbo}"
      text-completions-model: "${OPEN_AI_TEXT_COMPLETIONS_MODEL:-gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct}"

Pass secrets as environment variables

Secret values can be modified directly in secrets.yaml, or you can pass your secrets as environment variables. The secrets.yaml resolves these environment variables.

export ASTRA_CLIENT_ID=...
export ASTRA_SECRET=...
export ASTRA_TOKEN=...

When you go to production, you should create a dedicated secrets.yaml file for each environment.


Where do you find credentials for these items? Here's a little help:

Please note that the example values provided are taken from the current content and may not accurately reflect the actual values that should be used for each secret.

Last updated