
Assets are external resources handled by LangStream at deployment time. You don't want to deal with creating Kafka topics or vector database tables every time you change your application, so LangStream allows you to automate the behavior of assets at deployment, update, and deletion.

The LangStream deployer creates resources during the app-setup job. If the job completes, the deployer creates another job called runtime-deployer which creates the agent CRDs. When runtime-deployer completes successfully, the application status changes to DEPLOYED. (If you get the ERROR_DEPLOYING status instead, check the logs with langstream apps logs <my-app-id>).

For example, when you initialize an Astra DB database, you might want to also create a keyspace and a table to save time. To do this, add the astra-keyspace and cassandra-table as assets to your pipeline.yaml:

name: "Write to Astra DB"
  - name: "input-topic"
    creation-mode: create-if-not-exists
  - name: "langstream-keyspace"
    asset-type: "astra-keyspace"
    creation-mode: create-if-not-exists
      keyspace: "langstream"
      datasource: "AstraDatasource"
  - name: "products-table"
    asset-type: "cassandra-table"
    creation-mode: create-if-not-exists
      table-name: "products"
      keyspace: "langstream"
      datasource: "AstraDatasource"
        - "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS langstream.products (id int PRIMARY KEY,name TEXT,description TEXT);"
  - name: "Write to Astra"
    type: "vector-db-sink"
    input: "input-topic"
      datasource: "AstraDatasource"
      table-name: "products"
      keyspace: "langstream"
      mapping: ",description=value.description,"

Notice this pipeline is using datasource type AstraDatasource. The assets behavior described here is currently only available for AstraDatasource and CassandraDataSource.

Other commands available for assets include creating indexes within your tables, and truncating tables, as below.

      table-name: "products"
      keyspace: "langstream"
      datasource: "AstraDatasource"
        - "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS langstream.products (id int PRIMARY KEY,name TEXT,description TEXT, embeddings VECTOR<FLOAT,1536>);"
        - "CREATE CUSTOM INDEX IF NOT EXISTS documents_ann_index ON documents.documents(embeddings) USING 'StorageAttachedIndex';"
        - "TRUNCATE TABLE langstream.products;"

For more on how AstraDatasource, CassandraDataSource, and LangStream assets interact at application deployment, see Data storage.


Last updated